Missing Link Snaffle

Missing Link Snaffle
We are currently 3-4 weeks behind on fulfilling orders for the Missing Link Snaffle. If you opt for 2-3 day shipping, that means your package will be shipped using Priority Mail when your bit is ready. We appreciate your patience!
This bit has been designed with collection and self-carriage in mind. With this bit, the horse does not need to defend the bars of his mouth by pushing with his tongue. The cricket encourages the horse to relax his tongue and listen to his rider. The Missing Link Snaffle is made in the USA by a master craftsman out of 1/2″ cold rolled steel, a cricket, and 3″ stainless steel rings. It comes in a standard width of 5 1/2”. The reason for the standard width is because we don’t believe that a snaffle should fit snug up against the horse’s muzzle. We want it to slide across the horse’s tongue so that the horse can react prior to the ring making contact. This width allows a bit of room on either side of the bit in most horses. On that same subject, we do not recommend that you adjust this snaffle bit with the usual 2 wrinkles in the horse’s lips. It should be adjusted to just touch the corner’s of your horse’s mouth so that your horse can feel it when you release.
A few things about this bit: First, because it is made of cold rolled steel, it will rust with use. That is a good thing. The sweet taste of this type of steel is pleasant to horses and helps them to maintain a wet mouth. To care for it, especially if you live in a humid climate, clean it in clear water after each use and spin the cricket to clear out any grass or hay. Second, when you first introduce the Missing Link Snaffle to a horse, rig up a temporary headstall underneath the horse’s halter and allow the horse to spend a little time tied up with the bit in his mouth. By doing this, the horse gets to experience the novelty of the cricket before you ride in the bit. It’s just the polite thing to do.